Cerebral palsy compensation claims

We have recovered well over £100 million in compensation in recent years which has helped our clients and their families with care needs, therapy and equipment needs and ensured that they will continue to receive all the assistance they need for the remainder of their life.

Our clients’ story, in their own words...

£18.1m settlement for child with severe cerebral palsy, visual and learning disability from maternity negligence

Boyes Turner’s birth injury solicitors secured an £18.1 million settlement for a child who suffered hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), brain bleeding and PVL brain injury after maternity mistakes led to delays in his delivery. Our...

Admission of liability, apology and £150,000 interim payment for child after delayed birth causes cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy solicitors have secured an admission of liability, formal apology and £150,000 interim payment for a child who was left with cerebral palsy, ASD , physical, behavioural and cognitive disability, after negligent...

£11.8 million settlement in birth injury claim for child with cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s birth injury claims specialists have secured an £11.8 million* settlement for a child who was left with severe physical disability from cerebral palsy after she suffered a hypoxic ischaemic brain injury (HIE) from negligent...

Judgment and £250,000 interim payment in ongoing cerebral palsy birth injury claim

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy birth injury lawyers have secured a liability (fault) settlement and £250,000 interim (advance) payment in an ongoing claim for a 10-year-old child with cerebral palsy. Our client’s cerebral palsy  was...

£4 million compensation settlement in birth injury claim for an 11-year-old boy with cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy solicitors have secured a £4 million settlement in a birth injury claim for a child with cerebral palsy. The £4 million compensation settlement was reached at a round table meeting (RTM) with the NHS defence...

£12 million settlement for child whose severe dyskinetic cerebral palsy was caused by negligent water birth

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy specialists secured a £12 million* settlement for a child who suffered a profound brain injury during the negligent management of her mother’s labour and water birth. Our 7-year-old client has the most severe...

£13m+ settlement after negligent treatment of neonatal necrotising enterocolitis and hypocarbia cause cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s neonatal brain injury  lawyers have secured a settlement of over £13.3 million* for a teenager with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy . The boy was one of twins who were born prematurely. In the first few days of life, known...

£18.4 million settlement after delayed treatment of HSV infection in forceps scalp grazes causes cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s neonatal brain injury claims lawyers  secured an £18.4million (capitalised) compensation settlement for a child whose brain was severely injured when hospital neonatal staff failed to treat herpes simplex virus (HSV)...

£7.4m settlement for child with severe cerebral palsy after hospital sent her mother home in labour

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a settlement of over £7.4 million* for a young girl who suffered a brain injury, causing cerebral palsy of the utmost severity, after hospital staff negligently assessed her mother as low risk...

£14.6 million settlement for young man with cerebral palsy from uterine hyperstimulation at time of birth

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy claims specialists have secured a £14.6 million* equivalent settlement for a young man with cerebral palsy. His brain was damaged by lack of oxygen  when maternity staff gave his mother too much of the uterine...

NHS trust admits liability for boy's cerebral palsy from uterine hyperstimulation at time of birth

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured an admission of liability from an NHS Trust for a teenage boy with cerebral palsy. The boy’s brain was damaged by lack of oxygen during childbirth when maternity staff gave his mother too much of...

Settlement of £9 million plus care payments of up to £273,000pa after maternity mistakes cause cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a settlement of £9million with lifelong care payments rising to £273,000 per year for a boy who suffered hypoxic ischaemic damage to his brain when his mother was negligently sent...

Liability settlement for boy with cerebral palsy from unrecognised acute lack of oxygen during labour and delivery

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy birth injury specialists have secured a liability settlement for a boy with dyskinetic cerebral palsy, cerebral visual impairment, epilepsy and learning disability. The liability (fault) aspect of the claim settled for 90%...

Multi million dollar settlement for claimant residing abroad with cerebral palsy from birth injury at London hospital

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy claims specialists have secured a multi million dollar settlement for a boy whose cerebral palsy was caused by negligent maternity care. Our client’s brain was injured as a result of oxygen deprivation during delays...

£2,225,000 compensation for brain-injured boy after twin to twin transfusion caused cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £2,225,000 compensation settlement for a boy whose brain was severely damaged when he was deprived of oxygen in the womb during a twin to twin transfusion. Twin to twin transfusion syndrome...

£11.5 million for boy with dyskinetic cerebral palsy from negligent 'water birth'

Boyes Turner’s birth injury lawyers have secured an £11.5m settlement for a boy whose severe dyskinetic, four-limb cerebral palsy was caused by negligent midwifery care during his ‘water birth’ delivery.  Midwife failed to...

Liability settlement and interim payment after twin to twin transfusion (TTTS) caused cerebral palsy

This case has now been settled, read the updated case study here . Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a liability settlement and £250,000 interim payment for a boy whose brain was severely damaged when there was a failure to...

Judgment and interim payment after delayed treatment of forceps scalp infection causes cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s neonatal brain injury lawyers have secured a liability (fault) judgment and £150,000 interim (part) payment in an ongoing claim for a boy with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He suffered an injury to his brain in the first few days of...

Judgment and £150,000 interim payment for girl with cerebral palsy after reduced fetal movements ignored in term pregnancy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a liability judgment and £150,000 interim (part) payment for a girl who suffered brain damage after maternity staff failed to induce labour following reduced fetal movement and other warning...

£13 million settlement for young adult with neurological disability from lack of oxygen at birth

Boyes Turner’s birth injury specialists have obtained a £13 million* (*capitalised equivalent) settlement for a young woman whose brain was damaged by a partial lack of oxygen in the hours leading up to her birth. The injury, which was caused by...

Judgment and £250,000 interim payment after negligent water birth causes child's cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy specialist, Susan Brown , has helped the family of a child who suffered profound brain damage during her water birth obtain an apology, full admission of liability and an interim (part) payment of £250,000 from the hospital where the...

Many millions in compensation obtained after maternity mistakes lead to uterine rupture birth injury and cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a very substantial compensation settlement for a teenage boy who suffered severe brain damage, whole body cerebral palsy and learning difficulties at birth from mistakes in his mother’s...

Substantial settlement for boy with learning difficulties from IVH around the time of birth

Boyes Turner’s birth injury lawyers have obtained a substantial settlement for a boy whose brain was damaged from an intra-ventricular brain haemorrhage (IVH) in the hours leading up to his birth. The agreed settlement figure took into account the...

£4.6 million plus the security of lifelong payments of up to £360,000pa following cerebral palsy birth injury

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy birth injury team have negotiated a settlement of £4.6 million lump sum plus lifelong, annual payments rising to £360,000pa for a young girl with severe dystonic cerebral palsy. The child’s brain...

£7.49 million birth injury compensation settlement over predicted lifetime after negligent maternity care causes severe four-limb dystonic cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy birth injury specialists have secured a £7.49 million* settlement for an 11-year-old girl whose negligently delayed delivery left her with permanent brain damage and severe four-limb dystonic cerebral palsy. The...

£21 million settlement for teenager with cerebral palsy from negligently delayed delivery

Boyes Turner’s specialist cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £21 million* settlement for a severely disabled teenager who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy , severe learning difficulties and communication problems arising from...

Admission of liability for boy profoundly brain damaged at birth during 9 hours of negligent delay

Boyes Turner’s birth injury lawyers have secured an admission of liability for a young boy with cerebral palsy who suffered profound damage to his brain when his delivery was negligently delayed by more than nine hours. The brain injury Our...

Liability judgment for girl with severe cerebral palsy after her mother was sent home in labour

Boyes Turner’s birth injury specialists have obtained a liability judgment for a young girl whose brain was damaged leading to severe, disabling cerebral palsy of the utmost severity after her mother was negligently sent home by the defendant hospital...

Liability judgment for brain-damaged baby after hospital sent home high risk mother

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy specialists have secured a liability judgment and £250,000 interim payment for a boy with diplegic cerebral palsy who suffered hypoxic ischaemic damage to his brain when his mother was negligently sent home from...

£4.7 million settlement for girl with severe spastic and dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy after negligent VBAC labour

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £3.25m lump sum settlement with annual cost of care payments of up to £320,000 for a 12-year-old girl with severe quadriplegic cerebral palsy and significant neurodevelopmental...

Admission of liability for boy with dyskinetic cerebral palsy following negligent 'water birth'

Our specialist birth injury lawyers have settled liability in a claim for an eight-year-old boy who has severe dyskinetic , four-limb cerebral palsy as a result of a hospital midwife’s negligent management of his ‘water birth’ delivery. ...

£3 million settlement for young adult with cerebral palsy caused by hypoxic birth injury

Our cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £3 million settlement for a young man who was brain-injured at birth, despite the injury happening over 20 years ago. Our client approached us as a young adult, asking us to investigate the cause of his...

£19 million settlement for 11 year old with dyskinetic cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s birth injury solicitors have secured a settlement of £19 million* for an 11-year-old girl who suffered hypoxic brain damage during a 25-30 minute delay in her delivery. Delay Our client’s profound injury arose from the...

Admission of liability for a two-year-old girl with Erb's palsy

Boyes Turner’s birth injury lawyers have secured an admission of liability for a two-year-old girl with Erb’s palsy which was caused by the defendant hospital’s obstetric staff’s negligent management of her birth. The...

Admission of liability for five-year-old girl with cerebral palsy caused by negligent delays at birth

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy specialists have secured an admission of liability for a severely disabled, five-year-old girl who suffered grade 2 hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy when hospital staff failed to recognise signs of fetal distress during...

£2.5 million settlement for boy with mild dyskinetic cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £2.5 million settlement for a boy with mild dyskinetic cerebral palsy. Missed opportunities The claimant’s mother went into labour spontaneously at 41 weeks of pregnancy and, after...

£16million settlement for teenager with cerebral palsy from hypoxic birth injury

Boyes Turner’s specialist cerebral palsy lawyers have secured a £16 million settlement for a teenager who was permanently disabled as a result of negligent obstetric and midwifery care at birth. The claimant suffered profound and acute ...

Landmark Treloar's PPO settlement for boy with severe dyskinetic spastic cerebral palsy

Boyes Turner’s brain injury specialists have negotiated an innovative settlement on behalf of a severely disabled, eight-year-old boy with severe dyskinetic/spastic cerebral palsy. The boy suffered a  traumatic brain injury and hypoxic ischaemia...

£3.1m plus lifelong payments of up to £133,250 per year for child brain-injured by untreated hypoglycaemia

Boyes Turner’s specialists in neonatal brain injury claims secured a settlement for a child who suffered a brain injury when midwives failed to recognise and treat signs of neonatal hypoglycaemia . The injury to his brain caused severe disability...

£3.7 million lump sum for boy with four limb dystonia

Boyes Turner’s specialist brain injury lawyers have secured a substantial settlement for ten year old boy with four limb dystonia who suffered a brain injury at birth . The claimant was delivered in poor condition after hospital medical and...

$23 million settlement for New York resident seven-year-old boy with kernicterus brain damage

Boyes Turner’s brain injury specialists have secured a $23 million settlement for a seven-year-old boy who was brain damaged as a newborn baby when postnatal community midwives failed to recognise the signs of jaundice. Untreated, he developed ...

£7 million compensation secured for Jennifer following hospital negligence

Our client Jennifer* suffered a  brain injury at birth  following negligent delays in her delivery. As a result Jennifer suffers from severe  dyskinetic cerebral palsy  which affects all of her limbs. Jennifer is totally dependent on...

Cerebral palsy claim admission of liability from Royal Berkshire Hospital

Our client Maisie* (now seven years old) was injured when delays during her birth meant that the supply of oxygen to her brain was temporarily stopped, causing a hypoxic brain injury. This severe brain injury is the cause of Maisie’s  dyskinetic...

£3.2 million settlement after oxygen starvation at birth leaves child with dyskinetic cerebral palsy

Our client Christopher* suffered a  hypoxic ischaemic brain injury  during his delivery, which meant that the oxygen supply to his brain was temporary stopped. This resulted in Christopher becoming one of a number of babies with cerebral palsy...

£2.5 million compensation recovered for dystonic cerebral palsy sufferer

Our client Fiona* was a victim of cerebral palsy negligence when she suffered a severe brain injury during her delivery, which resulted in  severe dystonic cerebral palsy . She cannot work or live independently, needs round the clock care and her life...

£2+ million compensation settlement for dystonic tetraplegic cerebral palsy sufferer

Our client Holly* was injured as a result of birth injury negligence during her delivery, which resulted in a diagnosis of  dystonic tetraplegic cerebral palsy . Holly needs a lot of help with her day-to-day life and depends on a number of aids and...

Birth negligence claim settled for £3 million following brain injury at birth

Our client Jacob* was injured at birth when during a cesarean section delivery the supply of oxygen to his brain was temporarily stopped. As a result he suffered a  hypoxic ischaemic brain injury , which resulted in spastic  quadriplegic cerebral...

Cerebral palsy claim settled for £2.9 million settlement after acute hypoxic event during birth of twins

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy specialists secured a £2.9 million compensation settlement for a boy who suffered a severe hypoxic brain injury as a result of the negligent management of his mother’s labour and his delivery. Our client was...

Successful claim against MoD for mild dystonic cerebral palsy - £300,000 settlement

Our client Caleb* was delivered with cerebral palsy at birth at a Military Hospital run by the Ministry of Defence. He suffered an injury during birth when the supply of oxygen to his brain was temporarily stopped, resulting in mild  dystonic cerebral...

£3.6 million compensation for child with cerebral palsy caused by delayed diagnosis of neonatal meningitis

Boyes Turner’s brain injury lawyers secured a £3.6 million settlement for a child who suffered permanent injury to his brain as a result of a delayed diagnosis of infection in the neonatal period following his birth.  The obstetric and...
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They have a great deal of knowledge and expertise, and client care seems to be their top priority.

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